
Logo Lund University

Ancient DNA (aDNA) has changed history studies, enabling us to analyze early genetic variation directly. In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the amount of collected aDNA and high-profile investigations. Still, insufficient information about the geographical origin and admixture ...

Logo Laboratoire d Informatique de Grenoble

The main challenge of the Patrimalp project is the development of an integrated and interdisciplinary Heritage Science, in order to ensure cultural Heritage sustainability, promotion and dissemination in contemporary society. The ambition is to produce the forms of intelligibility of a global and ...

Logo Oxford University

Horse Power will examine the complex interactions between the eastern steppe and China from the second millennium BCE to the formation of the Xiongnu empire in Mongolia and the Qin state in China after 300 BCE. To examine the connections between the steppe, Mongolia and China’s Central Plains we ...