"In & Around. Pottery & Community" congress of the AIECM3
The call for paper for the Second International Topical Congress of the AIECM3 "In & Around. Pottery & Community" which will be held in Faenza, 17-18th April 2015, is already available.
The call for paper for the Second International Topical Congress of the AIECM3 "In & Around. Pottery & Community" which will be held in Faenza, 17-18th April 2015, is already available.
Ce colloque présente trois orientations des recherches dans le domaine de la chimie analytique. La première session organisée les 26 et 27 juin 2014 dans l'amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs du Collège de France (11 place Marcelin-Berthelot, 75005 Paris), très interdisciplinaire, permettra d’envisager ...
Les "Journées d’études patrimoine portuaire : histoire, musée et conservation : Musées…port(s) et mer(s) entre histoire et patrimoine, Marseille-Nantes 2014-2015" se dérouleront les 5 et 6 juin 2014 à Marseille dans l’auditorium du Musée d’Histoire.
Ces journées d’études sont ...
The 1st ECBSM (European conference on Biodeterioration of stone monuments) will be held in Cergy-Pontoise, France, November 7, 2014.
Many laboratories conduct research in the field of biodeterioration of stone monuments in different European countries. The meeting is organized to provide an overview ...
In the scope of the 25 years of Archaeologia in Wallonia, the Medieval copper, bronze and brass conference "History, archaeology and archaeometry of the production of brass, bronze and other copper alloy objects in medieval Europe (12th-16th centuries)" will be held on 15th, 16th (CCRD in Dinant) ...