
Dans le cadre de la création par le CNRS-INEE du GDR 3591 ‘Taphonomie, Environnement et Archéologie’ (TaphEnA, 2013-2016) faisant suite au Réseau Thématique Pluridisciplinaire (RTP) en Taphonomie (2007-2010), un atelier est organisé les 2 et 3 Octobre 2014 à la Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences ...

The Microscience Microscopy Congress 2014, MMC2014, will run from 1300 Monday 30 June - 1700 Thursday 3 July 2014. It will comprise 24 sessions within 14 symposia. The scientific programme includes both light and electron microscopy across both the life and physical sciences, along with scanning ...

A special "Imaging and analysis of cultural heritage materials" (P8) in the Physical Sciences Symposia is to be mentionned in the M&M2014 (Microscopy & Microanalysis 2014) which will be held on August 3-7 at the Connecticut Convention Center in historic Hartford (CT, USA). The M&M ...