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Birch bark tar has been used as adhesive as far back as the Middle Pleistocene but was commonly used by Holocene (Mesolithic) hunter-gatherers. Small lumps of this substance have been recovered from several Mesolithic archaeological sites in Europe and while their use is still debated, they often ...
The identification of proteinaceous material associated with archaeological ceramics offers much greater resolution in determining vessel contents than lipid based approaches. Their routine analysis would provide an essential tool for understanding the development of early agricultural economies ...
Sujet Datation par la méthode du radiocarbone de pigments et peintures anciennes à base de blanc de plomb
Date mardi 17 novembre 2020 à 14h30
Lieu en ligne [cliquer sur ce lien]
La datation par la méthode du radiocarbone fait partie des méthodes d’analyse utilisées en ...
Developing Machine learning tools to date Viking genomes and identify protective genes in plants. Candidates are expected to have an interest in biology, human history and plants alongside strong computational skills with background in mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science, and/or a ...
Dans le cadre du projet européen Polifonia: a digital harmoniser for musical heritage knowledge, l'IReMus recrute un.e postdoctorant.e sur une durée de 12 mois à temps plein à compter du premier trimestre 2021. Le projet porte sur le développement, l'application et la mise à disposition d'outils ...
“Feed the Birds… Don’t Feed the Animals” is a major research project that will investigate why people feed wild and captive animals, and also the impact that human feeding has on the health and welfare of those animals. The University of Reading is a key partner in “Feed the Birds… Don’t Feed the ...