We seek to fill a position at the level of a research group leader with a focus on large-scale human population genetics integrating comprehensive data sets from ancient human remains with modern reference data in an archaeological and historical context.
The “newly established” Department of Archaeogenetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (Germany) utilizes recent advances in molecular approaches on biomolecules, such as genome wide DNA sequencing, to uncover an entirely new spectrum of information that can be retrieved from sample repositories such as anthropological and archaeological collections.
The research group will reside within the ERC Synergy Grant HistoGenes. This project aims to study the population shifts related to cultures such as Pannonians, Romans, Goths, Huns, Longobards, Gepids, Avars, Bulgars, Slavs and Franks in the Carpathian Basin in 400-900 CE. HistoGenes will analyse ~6,000 ancient human samples from this region with cutting edge scientific methods and contextualize the interpretation of these data in their archaeological and historical setting. This will, for the first time, unite historians, archaeologists, geneticist, anthropologists, and specialists in bioinformatics, isotopic analyses and other scientific methods not only to advance our knowledge about this key period in European history, but also establish new standards for the historical interpretation of genetic data. The established group will operate in a close multidisciplinary network with non-geneticists, and communication within such a team is an important part of the project in order to fully contextualize and interpret the genetic data.
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[Website MPI-EVA]