Missions : Réaliser des recherches paléoécologiques pour reconstituer les dynamiques végétales et environnementales à Madagascar sur les 3000 dernières années ; Explorer les interactions entre activités humaines (colonisations, agriculture, élevage) et écosystèmes malgaches en utilisant des ...
Technical advances in the study of ancient DNA (aDNA) have recently made it possible to directly probe the genomes of past individuals and populations and thus study phenomena as diverse as health and disease, pathogen evolution, domestication, kinship and relatedness, phenotypes, and population ...
We are looking for two highly motivated and dynamic postdocs for 2 positions. The positions is part of a Novo Nordisk funded project which aims to understand the impact of Neanderthals and Denisovan DNA which survives in modern human genomes and how this DNA can inform us about Neanderthal and ...
The Doris Z. Stone Post-Doctoral Fellowship aims to foster the professional development of emerging scholars, enrich the dynamic research environment of the Middle American Research Institute (MARI), and promote intellectual exchange within the Institute’s academic community. We are particularly ...
The Cyprus Institute invites applications for a highly qualified and motivated individual to join the Institute as Post-Doctoral Fellow in Heritage Science in the STARC. The successful candidate will be a member of the APAC Laboratories team, conducting research in Heritage Science, primarily in ...