This Research Associate will play a key role in “Seeing the Dead”, an AHRC-funded project which aims to investigate the funerary custom attested in Roman Yorkshire in the 3rd and 4th centuries CE of pouring liquid gypsum over the bodies of adults and children in stone or lead coffins before burial. The project brings together experts in archaeology, bioarchaeology, chemistry, biology, and digital heritage to investigate gypsum casings and their associated preserved human remains to better understand the cultural, ritual, and practical implications of this funerary practice. The Research Associate in Stable Isotopes will analyse carbon, nitrogen, sulphur on bone and serial dentine sections and oxygen, lead and strontium on enamel of human remains from gypsum casts and comparative humans and animals from the surrounding geographical areas to explore their dietary histories and identify potential non-locals. They will also carry out compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of carbon and nitrogen in bone collagen for detailed dietary reconstruction for select individuals.
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