The funded project is entitled Overcoming dating challenges: pioneering oxygen isotope dendrochronology in the Low Countries for exact dating in cultural heritage studies and archaeology (ISOCHRONOLOGY). This project aims to develop a stable oxygen isotope chronology for the Low Countries, covering the period 1300 – 1600 CE, to be used as a reference to date oak timbers with few tree rings (c. 40 to 80 rings) from historic buildings and archaeological sites (including shipwrecks). In close collaboration with the PI (dr. Marta Domínguez-Delmás) and with the team of prof. Neil Loader at Swansea University (UK), the appointed candidate will be in charge of developing such isotope oak chronology, as well as a proof-of-concept, testing the dating potential of this type of chronology with selected case studies.
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[Website Naturalis Biodiversity Center]