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We are looking for a postdoc candidate to be part of the Research team of the ERC Consolidator DEMODRIVERS. The selected candidate will carry out research on the geochemistry of archaeological sites and lake sediments in the Bolivian Amazon. S/he will perform extraction of lipids from sediments and analysis of biomarkers, XRF elemental analysis and explore other geoarchaeological approaches to characterize the type and the timing of sites’ occupation and reconstruct paleo precipitations and seasonality. The Post doc will be required to take responsibility for all the steps involved in sampling, extraction of lipids, analyses, data interpretations and writing. This will involve, but will not be limited to, splitting, documenting and sampling sedimentary cores; extraction of lipids. S/he will also analyse n−alkanes from lake sediments with the goal of reconstruction past precipitation, seasonality and landscape evolution.

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[Website Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]