Position as Researcher is available at the Department of Geosciences, Section for Meteorology and Oceanography, University of Oslo. NORCLI is an interdisciplinary project jointly run by the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History (Prof. Dominik Collet) and the Department of Geosciences, Section for Meteorology and Oceanography (Prof. Kirstin Krüger) and is financed by UiO: Energy and Environment. It investigates what happened when Nordic societies faced abrupt climate change in the past 1000 years, aiming to contribute to and broaden contemporary discussions. NORCLI progresses from reconnecting and integrating data from historical and natural archives as well as climate models to narrating the result to a wider societal audience. The project collaborates closely with several other current projects (VIKINGS, Force-VOL, CLIMCULT, NORLIA, CLIMCRIS,) in the field of paleo climate and climate history. The Researcher is expected to pursue a research project within this framework focusing either on paleo climate modelling and/or on paleo proxies (lake sediments, ice cores, tree rings). As the candidate will be working closely with the second NORCLI researcher based in historical sciences, we ask for potential areas of collaboration to be highlighted in the application. During the first year the position is connected to an international research group on Nordic Climate history at the Center for Advanced Study (CAS) in Oslo.
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