We are seeking a Research Fellow with a specialism in zooarchaeology to join the “EVERYDAYISLAM: Becoming Muslim: Cultural Change, Everyday Life and State Formation in early Islamic North Africa (600-1000)” project team at the UCL Institute of Archaeology. The post-holder will work closely with the PI and will be primarily responsible for recording, analysing and bringing to publication a large faunal assemblage from the medieval urban site of Volubilis/ Walila in Morocco (this will require spending periods of study in Morocco). They will be responsible for studying the mammal and bird bones. They will be expected to lead on the authorship of the faunal chapter for the excavation monograph and at least 1 journal article, as well as to contribute to collaborative publications, presentations and other project outputs, and assist in the design and delivery of a planned workshop in Morocco. There is potential for the post-holder to conduct ZooMS or isotopic analysis.
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[Website University College London]