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You will be hired by UGent-Woodlab in collaboration with the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (LTRR) at the University of Arizona. The Laboratory of Wood Technology, or short UGent-Woodlab, is a research team of UGent, located at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. UGent-Woodlab aims at an integrated strategy for the forestry-wood chain to contribute to the bio-economy. Furthermore, the team tackles climate change issues by learning from trees as archives of the past and biosensors of the present. UGent-Woodlab has strong expertise in non-destructive X-ray CT scanning of wood. The LTRR is the world's foremost department specialized in dendrochronology, with particular expertise in tree-ring based climate reconstruction and geochronology. Within the context of a recently approved FWO project on millennium-scale temperature reconstruction using X-ray CT-based MXD of bristlecone pine (“Accurate temperature reconstructions and climate change mapping in tree rings of ancient bristlecone pines, the longest-living trees in the world”), we are looking for an excellent postdoctoral candidate to work on temperature reconstructions using X-ray CT data

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