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MAPSS “Mongolian Archaeological Project: Surveying the Steppes” is a special research project led by the Department of Archaeology, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History (MPI-SHH). Our institute in Jena is leading a five-year archaeological documentation programme that will begin the process of constructing a comprehensive database for Mongolian Archaeology. With support from the Mongolian Government and the National Museum of Mongolia, this is an exciting opportunity to bring together Mongolian Archaeological Data for the benefit of scholars and researchers in the future. The Principal Investigator is Professor Nicole Boivin, the Director of the Department of Archaeology, MPI-SHH Jena, and an international advisory board for the project will feature many of the world’s leading voices on Central Asian Archaeology.
We seek two Data Analysts, at post-doc level, who are passionate about archaeological science, documentation and GIS. A Data Manager will work closely with two Data Analysts working with remote sensing, responsible for undertaking detailed remote survey of Mongolia, locating and cataloguing known sites, as well as identifying and documenting newly discovered sites. We will seek analysts with complementary skills, to ensure that the project possesses the full skill set required to analyse diverse sources (aerial photography, satellite imagery) and remote regions (steppe, desert, mountain). Images will be taken and processed, and stored in the ARCHES V5.0 database with the support of the Data Manager.

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[Website Max Planck Institute]