The symposium Vertebrate Taphonomy: Applications and Implications will be held in the frame of the 4th edition of the International Palaeontological Congress (IPC). The 4th IPC conference is going to be held in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, from September 28th to October 3rd, 2014.
The applications and implications of taphonomy are certainly a wide subject. The participants are welcome to discuss at the symposium on different implications and applications of Taphonomy in other disciplines and investigations (e.g. Forensic studies, past ecosystems and palaeoclimatic interpretations, archaeology).
The Taphonomy symposium welcomes paper presentations from any interested participant willing to give oral presentation during the meeting. Oral presentation will be timed for 15 minutes talk and 5 minutes questions. Posters are welcome and instructions will soon be provided by the 4th IPC organization committee.
More information about the congress and the symposium can be found in the web page of the congress. The former inscription deadline having a reduced price has been delayed until the 30th of July, 2013, with students reduced price extended until the end of August. The IPC4 registration website gives further information about registration deadlines and fees.