The 1st ECBSM (European conference on Biodeterioration of stone monuments) will be held in Cergy-Pontoise, France, November 7, 2014.
Many laboratories conduct research in the field of biodeterioration of stone monuments in different European countries. The meeting is organized to provide an overview of the current understanding of stone colonisation and biodeterioration by microorganisms. The aim is to bring together the academic, industrial and expert communities working on biodeterioration of historic monuments in stone. This event has two main objectives:

  • To review the current and future prospects of research in Biodeterioration of stone monuments and potential transfers of analytical research practices to professional diagnosis.
  • Publish in 2014 a freely accessible electronic book on the topics covered by the conference.

Oral and poster presentations will cover the following topics:

  • Biodeterioration mechanisms of stone
  • Biofilm formation on stone
  • Type of microorganisms and biodeterioration of stone
  • Biodeterioration of stone: from the field to the laboratory and from the laboratory to the field
  • Molecular methods for the study of microbial diversity

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