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The Project IsoCAN (Isolation and evolution in oceanic islands: the colonisation of the Canary Islands) funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant 851733) is appointing a motivated PhD candidate to conduct paleogenomic analyses on archaeological remains from the indigenous population of the Canary Islands.
The successful candidate will use paleogenomic methods to reconstruct the migration trajectories and genetic variability of humans, domesticates (animals and plants) and insects related to human activities. Additionally, she/he will conduct metagenomic analysis of dental calculus to determine food consumption patterns. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the research program and the objectives of the IsoCAN project. The ideal candidate is a person who feels a true vocation for science, and who is willing to be part of an interdisciplinary, young, dynamic and highly motivated team.

Plus d’informations :
[EURAXESS Website]