Logo Lundbeck GeoGenetics Centre

In the Korneliussen group we develop statistical methods to facilitate analysis of high throughput sequencing data. Past projects have been state of the art methods within population genetics such as demographic inference, population structure, signatures of selection, but also methods within medical genetics with a special emphasis on the direct application of these to low coverage data and ancient DNA.
The candidate will have opportunities to shape their projects in consultation with the advisor, and the project can range from theoretical methods development to empirical data analysis. The applicant will be solidly embedded within the core group of the Lundbeck GeoGenetics Centre and will have access to the data generated from the natural high throughput sequencing center as part of the GeoGenetics Centre. Furthermore, as part of a collaboration with Peter Frandsen (Post Doc at Copenhagen Zoo, Department of Research and Conservation) the applicant will have the possibility of working with historical bonobo sequencing data and other primate conservation genomics projects.

Plus d’informations :
[Website University of Copenhagen]