We are offering a fully-funded position for a motivated and talented PhD candidate to join the Durability of Engineering Materials research group at ETH Zurich. This research project will be conducted in close collaboration with the Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM) at ETH Zurich and with the Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials (MPI-SusMat) in Germany. Both collaborators are equipped with state-of-the-art microscopy and sample preparation equipment. The PhD student will be hosted in the Durability of Engineering Materials research group at ETH Zurich (Prof. U. Angst), whose research focuses on metal corrosion, reactive transport in porous media, electrochemistry, and materials science. In this particular project, the student will develop an experimental methodology to study early-stage nanoscale corrosion processes at the metal-liquid interface, leveraging advanced microscopy techniques, namely cryo-transfer focused ion beam (FIB) and atom probe tomography (APT) in combination with additional nano-characterization techniques. The focus will lie on iron and steel corrosion in neutral and alkaline environments, that are relevant for infrastructure corrosion in the energy and transportation sector, radioactive waste disposal, or archaeology. The candidate will thus have the opportunity to engage in pioneering research at the intersection of microscopy and corrosion science, contributing to academic advancements and fundamental insights with broad industry relevance.
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[Website ETH Zurich]