The project is centred on understanding the (paleo-) ecological conditions for the spread of particular human pathogens, and on critically evaluating proposed socio-ecological responses to this spread. It will be focused on infectious agents that are likely to undergo a niche expansion under ongoing climate and ecological breakdown. First, the PhD student will use a combination of (paleo-)ecological data and ancient genomes to model the spatio-temporal spread of these pathogens and develop robust ecological niche models, which are informed not just by the present but also the past inferred ranges of these organisms. The student will then refine models of future pathogen spread under the light of this data. Finally, the student will critically re-evaluate proposed socio-ecological responses to pathogen spread using information gathered throughout the project and from a review of the existing literature (in terms of public health planning, research funding allocation and medical preparedness to pathogen spread, among other societal factors).
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[Website University of Copenhagen]