Logo University of GothenburgIn the project “From correlations to explanations: towards a new European prehistory (COREX)” geneticists and archaeologists from University College London (led by Mark Thomas and Stephen Shennan) join forces with archaeologists from Gothenburg (led by Kristian Kristiansen and Karl Göran Sjögren), and geneticists from Copenhagen (led by Kurt Kjær, Eske Willerslev and Fernando Racimo). The project will combine prehistoric human genomic, archaeological, environmental, stable isotope and climate data to better understand the processes that shaped our biological and cultural past from the time of the first farmers to the Iron Age (6000 to 500 BC). Job assignments: To apply strontium isotope analyses on selected archaeological problems relating to the overall aims of the COREX project, leading to the production of a PhD thesis at the university of Gothenburg. The problems to be addressed may be discussed but should involve interpretation of prehistoric mobility patterns. Possible themes could be temporal development of mobility in selected regions, differentiation of mobility according to social categories, or the development of methods to identify different types and functions of mobility in archaeological material; To aid in the construction of a European-wide database of strontium isotope data.

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