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The professorship is to represent an interdisciplinary forum anchored in the Faculty of Philological and Historical Sciences, within the framework of which innovative research in the intersection of the humanities, social sciences and information sciences will be made possible. It should network in research clusters with all disciplines of the faculty and especially with the digital humanities initiatives. Furthermore, the professorship is to assume a bridging function to the already newly established professorships for Natural Language Processing as well as Text and Speech Comprehension in Usage in Digital Humanities at the Faculty of Applied Computer Science and Applied Computer Linguistics with its Focus on Semantic-Pragmatic Text Analysis at the Faculty of Philological and Historical Sciences. The incumbent is qualified in digital humanities, particularly within the scope of cultural studies (e.g. Archaeology, Art History, Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology). A further requirement for the position is experience in digital image processing and/or experience in the field of virtual and augmented reality. In addition, experience with standardised reconstruction processes is desired.

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